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Alastair Somerville

Alastair Somerville

Sensory design consultant


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16:00 - 16:40
Lucerna Great Hall

Talk Focus


Successful journeys: using human-centred design for better wayfinding

Journeys and maps are important for good UX and Service Design. Still, so many of us feel lost in both physical and digital places. Better human-centred design can help us all feel like we know where we are and where we are going. This talk uses an ABCD model to explain the neuroscience and narrative patterns of wayfinding with examples from projects in museums, Virtual Reality, and more. By being user-centred, we can help everyone make more successful and satisfying journeys.

Alastair Somerville

Alastair Somerville is a sensory design consultant. He provides expert advice on cognition and person-centred design to companies and public organisations that provide both physical and digital products and services. He facilitates workshops on sensory and emotional design for corporations and major conferences, including South by Southwest (SXSW) and Google. He is currently involved in wayfinding projects in historic buildings and virtual reality.

Riverview Building, Svornosti 2, Prague 5
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