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Karel Smutný

Karel Smutný

Agile Practitioner & Scrum Trainer


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12:00 - 12:40
Lucerna Gallery

Talk Focus


Roundtable discussion: Do your developers understand your business domain?

Which kind of developer is more valuable in product development: one who understands their business domain or one who does not? Now, how many developers in your organisation are the first type? Helping developers understand your business takes time and effort they could otherwise spend coding. It creates a false dilemma many organisations, unfortunately, fall for. Why is it worth investing the time and effort, and what invisible wastes does it eliminate? Let's explore.

How do roundtable discussions work?
- Every roundtable discussion includes 5 active participants and a moderator to run the discussion.
- Each participant will prepare a question about the chosen topic to discuss. Please come prepared with a question and be prepared to discuss the questions other participants ask.
- The roundtable discussion lasts a total of 40 minutes, including:
             o 5 MINUTES: A quick introduction from each participant about who you are and what you do.
             o 35 MINUTES: Interactive discussions about each question (7 minutes per question).
- Other conference attendees are welcome to quietly watch the roundtable discussion. There will always be about 15 chairs set up for an audience. We’ll also be live streaming the discussion for attendees who can’t attend in person

Don't worry if you run out of time! Feel free to continue talking with other participants after the official roundtable discussion ends.

Karel Smutný

Karel is an expert in agile organisation design and large-scale product development. He’s a Professional Scrum Trainer at and a passionate software developer. For over 13 years, he has been helping companies of various sizes and industries with their agile transformations, Scrum/LeSS adoptions, and technical excellence. Karel is a proponent of functional programming and a LEGO enthusiast.

Lucerna Passage
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