RFM analysis

Jan Tichý Jan Tichý cz Rentier at Medio Interactive


RFM analysis is one of the basic methods of customer segmentation. It's relatively easy to understand and prepare - anyone can do it in Excel in about half an hour. Despite this fact, many websites and e-shops don't use or understand it. During the course of this talk, you'll learn how RFM actually works and how to prepare RFM segmentation. We'll then demonstrate a number of real-life examples showing you how to use it in your own marketing, emailing, remarketing, and customer communication. 

Jan Tichý

Jan Tichý

Rentier Medio Interactive

Jan Tichý leads the analytics and consulting company, Medio Interactive and the training agency, Medio Akademie. He's an official Google Partners Certified Trainer and his company is a Google Analytics Certified Partner. As a consultant, he mainly deals with Google Analytics, data analytics, business intelligence, optimizing the business performance of websites, SEO, link building, and general internet marketing. 

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