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Lutz Schmitt
Service & UX Design consultant
Talk Focus
Exposure and intimacy - design for privacy
Why do some people publish personal sex tapes and others don't? And should you know why? When does someone feel comfortable exposing information? How intimate are the situations your users are experiencing? Let's explore privacy as a meaningful design aspect. Get introduced to concepts and methods that allow you to assess the privacy needs of your users. Take away practical guidance on how to tackle a prominent challenge of humane technology: design for privacy.
Lutz Schmitt
Lutz Schmitt is currently a freelance Service & UX Design consultant, with a knack for privacy and critical design. He started as a web designer in the late 1990s, graduating as a designer in the early 2000s, before taking on managing positions. Lifetime goal: Cooking something that brings tears of joy. Not achieved, yet.