Recruiting for IT? It's possible, even without ninjas

Roman Hřebecký




Do you know the meme that shows an IT firm brainstorming how to attract new colleagues? The first recruiter says, “Mention that we’re looking for ninjas in the ad.” The second says, “And we’ll add a cool photo from a team building.” The third thinks about it. “What if we told them about the position, the people they’ll work with, and how much they’ll make?” The other two throw him out the window.

Awkward joke? Take a look at some of the creative recruiting out there and then, evaluate it. And if you’re looking for ways to recruit outside the box and not over motivate candidates, come to this talk to learn how to be different without the ninjas.

Roman used to be a great copywriter, but then he committed a terrible crime. He started thinking and asking questions that no one else asked. He wanted to understand the meaning of the campaigns and the websites, where his copy would be used. That’s how he got into the world of UX, research, honest marketing, and design. And then, he founded Pábení.