Inside The Chinese Electronics Markets - How I Built My Own iPhone and Other Adventures

Scotty Allen

Strange Parts



What happens when a geek dives into the electronics markets, factories and supply chains of Shenzhen? Scotty made his own iPhone from parts he bought in the market, and along the way, He learned a bunch about how mainstream electronics are made, modified, improved and recycled in China. We'll take a look at what's inside the magical devices we all carry in our pockets every day, some of the apps that are ubiquitous in everyday life in China, and touch on some ways China functions completely differently from the west.

Scotty Allen is a nomadic hacker, engineer, entrepreneur, adventurer, and storyteller, who orbits around San Francisco and Shenzhen, China. He makes videos at the intersection of adventure, travel, and technology for his popular youtube channel Strange Parts. In a previous life, he was a full stack software engineer at companies such as Google, Ooyala, and Shopkick.