Animation for interfaces

Marie Schweiz Marie Schweiz DE Freelancer and Lead Designer at Diversity studios


Animations are often viewed as a secondary or luxury step. This presentation will assert that it should not be so. While digital screens reduce our senses to sight and hearing, we can enhance the user experience through animation. There are ways of developing animations without the knowledge of motion design. You can create branding patterns for mobile and web with basic knowledge and tools. Good storytelling helps users understand what is happening at any given moment. We can apply this important skill when designing rich user experience and visual interactions. Discover ways of prototyping and animation methods which will effectively lead a user’s experience.

Marie Schweiz, Freelancer and Lead Designer at Diversity studios

Marie SchweizMarie is a founder and the lead designer at diversity studios. Before she started her own company Marie was one of the first freelance designers for android, back in 2010. With her unique specialty she spoke at several conferences such as Mobile design Meetup Oslo, DevFest Istanbul, Campus London, UXcamp Europe from 2011 until now. As senior mobile UX designer, her help influenced huge Tech giants and startups to improve their mobile experience and just recently she hosted a panel for Women in tech in Berlin, Germany.