Design Windows 8 applications

“How to start with the development of Windows 8 Metro applications and what to watch out considering the rules of design.”

Design Hall 30 min


  • What is it about?

    Jan: About the rules and recommended methods of the Windows 8 Metro applications development. We will take a look at the possible design techniques, their application and the whole coordination of the work from design to assignment into the development. We'll examine, too, the prevention of the tricky points of the publication into the Windows Store.

  • What will the visitors get from it?

    Jan: Attenders will become familiar with the preparations and the development of Metro applications. They'll get to know the proper development techniques and they'll find out where to look for useful tools and design patterns.

  • For whom it is?

    Jan: Designers and application designers.

  • What do I presently work at?

    Jan: Windows 8 Metro application design, the design of services and the data analysis.

  • Which of my existing achievements do I value the most?

    Jan: The work I like that has been given to me.

  • What would I like to achieve?

    Jan: To make the thought-out approach to the web and program solutions a standard in the private and the public sector.

  • What do I look forward to at the WebExpo?

    Jan: To the speech of David Grudl.

Jan Cibulka

Information Architekt Fleveo